Every branch church of Christian Science provides a public reading room for its community. At a reading room, whether you are visiting in person or online, you can access study and inspirational materials for yourself or someone you are assisting — in a variety of formats. Most of these materials are available to read while there, borrow (like a library), or purchase. A reading room attendant will gladly assist you in accessing materials for yourself or a loved one. This link will take you to a listing of Christian Science Reading Rooms. Sometimes, if you google "Christian Science" in a specific location, the reading room of a branch church will pop up.
A reading room can also be a great place to start to connect with a branch church and its members, since when you locate it, it will have set hours when you can visit and there will be an attendant who can tell you about that community's branch church. He/she can also often share information about other branch churches in the area.