There may be times when a simple telephone call is all you need to access the truth! Whether you use the speaker phone, headphones, or just hold it up to your ear, the numbers below will give you free access to hearing the Bible Lesson — even if you don’t have a subscription.
There are several sponsors throughout the country that offer a call-in option for listening to:
Most offer all three and few carry a couple of the programs. You are welcome to call any of the numbers, regardless of where you live. Here are the areas and phone numbers:
Southern California 323-805-8700 - BL/SW/DL
NYC area 332-255-6789 - BL/SW (carries Spanish-language radio program, El Heraldo)
Texas (northern/Dallas) 817-259-1620 - BL/SW/DL (offers free Bibles, S&Hs, and Sentinels)
Texas (southeast/Houston) 713-595-5210 - BL/SW/DL
Minnesota (statewide) 612-389-9399 - BL/SW/DL
Georgia (Atlanta) 404-902-6580 - BL/SW/DL
Georgia (northwest central) 706-765-2321 - BL/SW/DL
Arizona (Phoenix). 602-200-7002 - SW only
ALERT US — if you become aware of other sponsors, please email us at