If you are providing some level of care to a friend or family member, there may arise some special needs at mealtime. Being alert to the situation will go a long way toward creating a peaceful environment. This overview of food modification provides ideas for how to ensure that meals are comfortable and harmonious for your loved one.
“. . . feed me with food convenient for me.” — Proverbs 30:8
Depending upon what your loved one currently needs, there are many ways to use common kitchen tools to create a texture and form that’s comfortable. Many meals can be blended to whatever texture is needed. Here are levels of modifying/blending foods:
Regular: The food is served in the usual manner; no modifications are needed.
Cut-up: The food is cut up into bite-sized pieces.
Cut-up fine: The food is cut into very small pieces — some chewing is needed.
Ground: The food is ground fairly fine (usually with an electric grinder or in a blender with a very small amount of liquid) — very little chewing is needed.
Blended/Pudding: The food is blended finer than “ground” with enough liquid added to make it a pudding-like consistency.
Liquid/Smoothie: The food has been blended very fine and enough liquid has been added that it is like a smoothie — drinkable from a cup or with a straw (or a spoon may be used).
Thin liquid: A liquid with very little sediment, strained to be sure all bits have been removed.
Transparent liquid: May have a color, but no sediment, and it is transparent.
Waters: Clear liquid made with grain, fruit, or vegetables — such as rice water, potato water, barley water, apple water, etc.).
Ices: Frozen liquid
Most of us think of a blender as a tool for making smoothies or shakes, but there are actually many recipes for creating flavorful, smooth, nourishing meals . . . with a blender! Here are links to delicious blender soups:
15 blender soups from Brit+Co:
24 gourmet pureed soup recipes from Eating Well:
34 Blended Soups That Will Change Your Mind About Blended Soup
SEARCH PHRASES: type in “blender meals” or “blender dinners
If you are bringing pre-prepared meals in for a friend or family member, a few practical ideas will make the meals enjoyable: